16 iunie 2011

Day 2

* GPGPU platforms (OpenCL, DirectCompute, CUDA, Stream)
GPGPU = general purpose GPU; GPU-urile sunt folosite pt scop general, atât pt calcule grafice cât și pt calcule normale (executate de CPU);
- OpenCL - producător Khronos - merge pe SO Linux, Windows, Mac
- CUDA ("compute unified device architecture") - producător Nvidia - merge pe Linux, Windows
- DirectCompute - producător Microsoft - merge doar pe Windows
- Stream - producător AMD

* My PC Amd X2 4000+, 4GB, GF210, GF8600
a) Use bios info to describe it.
b) Use CPUz & GPUz to describe it.
c) Compare GF210 vs 8600GT.
Why ?3dmark 2003. 3dmark 2006.


* APU discutie. Prezentare APU Brazos, Zacate.
APU = un chip in care sunt incorporate CPU si GPU

* Discutie Liano.Prezentare Sandy Bridge vs Nehalem.

* Diferenta IGP onboard, on socket, on die.Intel Larrabee prezentare arhitectura.
Why ? Why not ?Exemple probleme SIMD. Discutie.

* Pre GPGPU era. Discutie.

* GPGPU meaning. Geforce 8800 architecture presentation.

* Geforce 8800 vs Geforce 7900 architecture.

* Limitations GPGPU. Nvidia Tesla. Amd Firestream.Nvidia Fermi.

* Nvidia CUDA. Amd Stream.OpenCL. DirectCompute.

* Examples GPGPU CUDA & DirectCompute.Discutie.

a) When GPGPU ? Limitations ?
b) Memory hierarchy importance GPGPU.
c) OpenCL vs DirectCompute vs Cuda. Discussion.

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