ELIZA - este printre primele sisteme de prelucrare naturală a limbajului, capabilă să realizeze o conversație limitată cu un utilizator. Program destul de simplu, folosește pattern matching pentru a procesa intrările (inputs) și a le traduce în ieșiri (outputs) convenabile. Astfel, Eliza nu are nevoie să știe nimic despre lume. Se spune că răspunsurile ei sunt similare cu cele ale unui psihoterapeut.
It has an AIML heart, and uses some new PHP code for a brain.”
Human: is Eliza your wife?
Dr. Romulon: she is my ancestor.
Human: grandmother?
Dr. Romulon: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Human: do you believe in aliens?
Dr. Romulon: Yes I think Dr. Wallace was created by aliens.
Human: who is dr.Wallace?
Dr. Romulon: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.
Human: do you love dr.Wallace?
Dr. Romulon: Yes I love him like a father.
Play here: http://nlp-addiction.com/chatbot/eliza/
Dr. Romulon - bazat pe platforma de chat ALICE, Dr. Romulon este mai avansat decât Eliza având un set mai larg de răspunsuri. Dar doctorul are o memorie slabă.
Play here: http://nlp-addiction.com/chatbot/dr.romulon/
Chato - ”Chato is a new chatbot, it is still learning about the world.It has an AIML heart, and uses some new PHP code for a brain.”
Play here: http://nlp-addiction.com/chatbot/chato/
Dr. Romulon: she is my ancestor.
Human: grandmother?
Dr. Romulon: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Human: do you believe in aliens?
Dr. Romulon: Yes I think Dr. Wallace was created by aliens.
Human: who is dr.Wallace?
Dr. Romulon: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.
Human: do you love dr.Wallace?
Dr. Romulon: Yes I love him like a father.
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