1. Inversorul CMOS
2. CMOS AND gate
module and_cmos (in1, in2, out);
input in1;
input in2;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire w1, w2;
// stanga sus, au output in acelasi loc
pmos pmos1(w1, vdd, in1);
pmos pmos2(w1, vdd, in2);
// stanga jos
nmos nmos1(w2, gnd, in2);
nmos nmos2(w1, w2, in1);
// rezulta output
pmos pmos3(out, vdd, w1);
nmos nmos3(out, gnd, w1);
module test_and;
reg in1 = 0;
reg in2 = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#5 in2 = 1'b1;
#5 in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in2 = 1'b0;
and_cmos and1(in1, in2, out);
$monitor($time," AND(in1, in2, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in1, in2, out);
3. CMOS OR gate
module or_cmos (in1, in2, out);
input in1;
input in2;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire w1, w2;
// stg sus
pmos pmos1(w1, vdd, in1);
pmos pmos2(w2, w1, in2);
// stg jos
nmos nmos1(w2, gnd, in1);
nmos nmos2(w2, gnd, in2);
// output
pmos pmos3(out, vdd, w2);
nmos nmos3(out, gnd, w2);
module test_or;
reg in1 = 0;
reg in2 = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#5 in2 = 1'b1;
#5 in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in2 = 1'b0;
or_cmos or1(in1, in2, out);
$monitor($time," OR(in1, in2, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in1, in2, out);
4. CMOS XOR gate
module xor_cmos (in1, in2, out);
input in1;
input in2;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire w1, w2;
// dreapta
pmos pmos1 (w1, vdd, in1);
nmos nmos1 (w1, gnd, in1);
// stanga
pmos pmos3 (out, in1, in2);
nmos nmos3 (out, w1, in2);
// centru
pmos pmos2 (out, in2, in1);
nmos nmos2 (out, in2, w1);
module test_xor;
reg in1 = 0;
reg in2 = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#5 in2 = 1'b1;
#5 in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in2 = 1'b0;
xor_cmos xor1(in1, in2, out);
$monitor($time," XOR(in1, in2, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in1, in2, out);
5. Poarta T-gate (Transmission Gate)
module tgate_cmos (in, A, out);
input in;
input A;
output out;
pmos pmos1 (out, in, ~A);
nmos nmos1 (out, in, A);
module test_tgate;
reg in = 0;
reg A = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in = 1'b1;
#5 A = 1'b1;
#5 in = 1'b0;
tgate_cmos tgate(in, A, out);
$monitor($time," TGATE(in, A, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in, A, out);
Semnificatie T-gate: compus dintr-un un tranzistor nmos si unul pmos, cu A semnal de enable, aceasta poarta lasa sa treaca mai departe valoarea lui In, numai atunci cand A este activat, si blocheaza iesirea, in caz contrar.
Cand A este 1, in pmos intra ~A adica 0, deci pmos-ul este inchis (conduce pe 0). La fel, in nmos intra 1 si acesta conduce. La In = 1, conduce pmos si out = 1, iar la In = 0, conduce nmos si out = 0.
Cand A este 0, in pmos intra 1 si se deschide (nu mai conduce), iar in nmos intra 0 - idem. Rezulta ca la out va fi impedanta marita = z oricare ar fi intrarea In.
surse foto: http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_4/chpt_3/7.html
module inversor(intrare, iesire);
input intrare;
output iesire;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
pmos p1(iesire, vdd, intrare);
nmos n1(iesire, gnd, intrare);
input intrare;
output iesire;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
pmos p1(iesire, vdd, intrare);
nmos n1(iesire, gnd, intrare);
module test_inv;
reg in1;
wire out1;
inversor inst1(in1, out1);
initial begin
in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#10 in1 = 1'b0;
initial $monitor ($time, " out1=%b in1=%b", out1, in1);
reg in1;
wire out1;
inversor inst1(in1, out1);
initial begin
in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#10 in1 = 1'b0;
initial $monitor ($time, " out1=%b in1=%b", out1, in1);
2. CMOS AND gate
module and_cmos (in1, in2, out);
input in1;
input in2;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire w1, w2;
// stanga sus, au output in acelasi loc
pmos pmos1(w1, vdd, in1);
pmos pmos2(w1, vdd, in2);
// stanga jos
nmos nmos1(w2, gnd, in2);
nmos nmos2(w1, w2, in1);
// rezulta output
pmos pmos3(out, vdd, w1);
nmos nmos3(out, gnd, w1);
module test_and;
reg in1 = 0;
reg in2 = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#5 in2 = 1'b1;
#5 in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in2 = 1'b0;
and_cmos and1(in1, in2, out);
$monitor($time," AND(in1, in2, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in1, in2, out);
3. CMOS OR gate
module or_cmos (in1, in2, out);
input in1;
input in2;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire w1, w2;
// stg sus
pmos pmos1(w1, vdd, in1);
pmos pmos2(w2, w1, in2);
// stg jos
nmos nmos1(w2, gnd, in1);
nmos nmos2(w2, gnd, in2);
// output
pmos pmos3(out, vdd, w2);
nmos nmos3(out, gnd, w2);
module test_or;
reg in1 = 0;
reg in2 = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#5 in2 = 1'b1;
#5 in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in2 = 1'b0;
or_cmos or1(in1, in2, out);
$monitor($time," OR(in1, in2, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in1, in2, out);
4. CMOS XOR gate
module xor_cmos (in1, in2, out);
input in1;
input in2;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire w1, w2;
// dreapta
pmos pmos1 (w1, vdd, in1);
nmos nmos1 (w1, gnd, in1);
// stanga
pmos pmos3 (out, in1, in2);
nmos nmos3 (out, w1, in2);
// centru
pmos pmos2 (out, in2, in1);
nmos nmos2 (out, in2, w1);
module test_xor;
reg in1 = 0;
reg in2 = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in1 = 1'b1;
#5 in2 = 1'b1;
#5 in1 = 1'b0;
#5 in2 = 1'b0;
xor_cmos xor1(in1, in2, out);
$monitor($time," XOR(in1, in2, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in1, in2, out);
5. Poarta T-gate (Transmission Gate)
module tgate_cmos (in, A, out);
input in;
input A;
output out;
pmos pmos1 (out, in, ~A);
nmos nmos1 (out, in, A);
module test_tgate;
reg in = 0;
reg A = 0;
wire out;
initial begin
#5 in = 1'b1;
#5 A = 1'b1;
#5 in = 1'b0;
tgate_cmos tgate(in, A, out);
$monitor($time," TGATE(in, A, out) = (%b, %b, %b)", in, A, out);
Semnificatie T-gate: compus dintr-un un tranzistor nmos si unul pmos, cu A semnal de enable, aceasta poarta lasa sa treaca mai departe valoarea lui In, numai atunci cand A este activat, si blocheaza iesirea, in caz contrar.
Cand A este 1, in pmos intra ~A adica 0, deci pmos-ul este inchis (conduce pe 0). La fel, in nmos intra 1 si acesta conduce. La In = 1, conduce pmos si out = 1, iar la In = 0, conduce nmos si out = 0.
Cand A este 0, in pmos intra 1 si se deschide (nu mai conduce), iar in nmos intra 0 - idem. Rezulta ca la out va fi impedanta marita = z oricare ar fi intrarea In.
surse foto: http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_4/chpt_3/7.html
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