28 martie 2014

GEM5 example | configuration | commands | with Parsec

### configuration ###
cores: 8
CPU clock: 2GHz
Memory: 1GB
L1-Cache size: 64kB
L1-Cache associativity: 2
L2-Cache size: 256kB
L2-Cache associativity: 16
Parsec Benchmark: streamcluster
Parsec Benchmark size: simdev


GEM5 commands (run from gem5 directory):

0) download from [here] the script generator: writescripts.pl & the input set files.

1) run this script to create other scripts, using one of the available benches:
> ./writescripts.pl streamcluster 8
The results will be:
2) run the command which creates the configuration & run the generated streamcluster_8c_simdev.rcS script on it:
> ./build/ALPHA/gem5.opt --stats-file=test.out ./configs/example/fs.py --kernel=/localhome/yourUser/M5_system_ALPHA_small/binaries/vmlinux_2.6.27-gcc_4.3.4 --disk-image=/localhome/yourUser/M5_system_ALPHA_small/disks/linux-parsec-2-1-m5-with-test-inputs.img --cpu-clock=2GHz -n 8 --mem-size=1GB --caches --l1d_size=32kB --l1i_size=32kB --l1d_assoc=2 --l1i_assoc=2 --l2cache --l2_size=256kB --l2_assoc=16 --script=/localhome/yourUser/gem5/streamcluster_8c_simdev.rcS
The result of this script is ready in m5out/test.out

4) if you run the configuration without any script, the configuration will be created & you can connect to this computer via telnet, have access to a console and write whatever commands you like.
> ./build/ALPHA/gem5.opt --stats-file=test.out ./configs/example/fs.py --kernel=/localhome/yourUser/M5_system_ALPHA_small/binaries/vmlinux_2.6.27-gcc_4.3.4 --disk-image=/localhome/yourUser/M5_system_ALPHA_small/disks/linux-parsec-2-1-m5-with-test-inputs.img --cpu-clock=2GHz -n 8 --mem-size=1GB --caches --l1d_size=32kB --l1i_size=32kB --l1d_assoc=2 --l1i_assoc=2 --l2cache --l2_size=256kB --l2_assoc=16
Listening for system connection on port 3456
> telnet localhost 3456
> ls

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